We announced in October 2021, our new partnership with Ecologi; an environmental conservation organization that helps us plant trees and track our carbon offsets every time we make a sale on our website.
The trees are funded by individuals and eco-conscious organizations like us, who support tree planting through sales performed on their own platform.
We want to create a pact with Mother Nature; by giving back what we have taken from her. For every order placed on our website, we promise to plant between 2 and 40 trees* with Ecologi.
(*according to your item value)
In this way, we not only give back to nature what it’s been given to us, but we also offset all carbon emissions created during production and order shipment. (note: Lenzing fabrics come from reliable and renewable forests).
Studies say that “ The average mature tree absorbs an average of 10 kilograms, or 22 pounds, of carbon dioxide per year for the first 20 years of growth.” - OneTreePlanted
The benefits don’t stop there: healthy trees hold the soil together, provide a home for wildlife, regulate temperatures, slow the flow of water through landscapes, grow vital foods and medicines, and more. All tree planting activities also have a social and economic impact by working closely with local communities.

Ecologi is a worldwide company that is collecting money via companies and projects to reattribute it to ethical and ecological projects.
85% of these donations are spent on environmental projects. The 15% left is allocated to run Ecologi transactions and create campaigns to improve their notoriety and get more subscribers around the world.
All the projects they are supporting are even in favor of a range of carbon reduction projects like generating clean electricity from hydropower in India, implanting solar power generation in Tamil Nadu and Telangana in India, and many other projects.
Mostly, they support projects regarding tree planting to help to reduce the effects of climate change. The goal of Ecologi is to finance enough projects to “ undo 30 years of carbon damage by avoiding 1,500 billion tonnes of CO2” by planting trees.
To date, Ecologi has funded the planting of over 30 million trees worldwide, we hope our collaboration will make through the years a helpful contribution to our community and our planet. All together we can make a difference.